Pedagogical Weeks 2024

@ Bologna, luoghi vari
from 26 Sep to 30 Nov 2024
cover of Pedagogical Weeks 2024

Review of events dedicated to the themes of education 0-18 for a public, cultural and scientific reflection on values, objectives and new challenges for our City

Municipal administration, academic world, educational, cultural, sports, business and association institutions discuss in Bologna the city's educational offer and on the future objectives to be pursued.
The program includes a series of events, debates and conferences around the themes of city education and school policies from 0 to 18 years old, with the aim of promoting a widespread culture of education in which the entire educating community knows how to recognize and develop.

The planned initiatives are coordinated by the Education, Education and New Generations Area of the City of Bologna with the contribution of the Department of Education Sciences of the University of Bologna and involve the active involvement of Districts and other municipal sectors that already collaborate in various areas in a logic of integrated training system.